About Lex
Eighteen years as a corporate executive at one of the largest oil companies in the world, and a professional history of work in the mining, consulting and utility industries provides Lex Herron with unique qualifications for the Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative (SSVEC) Board of Directors.
Herron represents District 9, serving members in the east and south areas of Sierra Vista. He’s served two separate terms on the board, elected in 2016 for a three year term, then returning to the board in 2021.
His professional career began in Ontario, Canada where Herron worked for McIntyre Porcupine Gold Mines. At the time of his employment, the company discovered a substantial body of copper ore. Herron went on to work for four other Canadian companies, among them ATCO Limited, based in Calgary. The firm employs more than 7,100 workers all over the globe and offers services in no less than 12 industries, including energy infrastructure and electric utilities.
He started with Union Oil Company of Canada in 1981, eventually relocating with that same company to Los Angeles, California. Herron worked for UNOCAL until 1999 when he retired. After spending the next eight years sailing the west coast of Mexico, the South Pacific, Central and South America, Herron eventually settled permanently in Sierra Vista.
His desire to serve on the SSVEC is centered on his interest in the Cooperative and the electrical industry, both statewide and nationally. Herron said he also wants to serve his community and represent the SSVEC members in the district where he lives.