Vendor Code of Conduct
SSVEC operates under an established set of standards within its Code of Conduct and compliance guidelines. These guidelines reflect our values and commitments to ethical behavior and business practices, regulatory compliance and the safety of our employees and members. SSVEC expects its vendors to share and embrace these same values.

While vendors are independent entities from SSVEC, the business practices and actions of a vendor, when conducting business with or on behalf of SSVEC, may significantly impact and reflect upon SSVEC. Because of this, we expect all vendors and their employees, agents, and subcontractors (“representatives”) to follow our ethical standards as set forth in the guidelines below, while they are conducting business with us or on our behalf. It is the responsibility of our vendors and representatives to understand and adhere to these expectations. Vendors should notify SSVEC’s Compliance Officer or another member of senior management if and when any situation develops that causes the vendor or representative to operate in a way that may be in conflict with SSVEC’s expectations. SSVEC may request the removal of any vendor or representative who behaves in a manner that we consider to be acting inconsistent with these guidelines or any SSVEC policy. All vendors and representatives are required to acknowledge annually their obligation to comply with the Vendor Code of Conduct
Expected Conduct of Vendors and Representatives
While conducting business with or on behalf of SSVEC, all vendors and representatives are expected to act with integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. SSVEC expects its vendors and representatives to share its commitment to human rights and equal opportunity in the workplace. In addition to the obligations specifically identified in the vendor’s agreement with SSVEC, all vendors and their representatives are required to follow our Code of Conduct and compliance guidelines, which include expected conduct in the areas of regulatory compliance, business practices, and employment. A summary of these expectations is noted below.
Vendors and their representatives are expected to:
- Comply with the terms of the vendor’s agreement with SSVEC;
- Comply with all industry specific laws and regulations that govern the vendor’s business practices including compliance with all antitrust and fair competition laws within the vendor’s specific jurisdictions in which they do business;
- Be honest, direct, and truthful in discussions with regulatory agency representatives and government officials;
- Comply with all government laws, rules and regulations including the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulations (FARs) and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations (DFARs);
- Not make and direct or indirect payments, proposed payments, facilitating payments or offer something of value to another person or someone who is an employee of the government of a public agency with the intent to influence him or her; and
- Comply with all environmental laws and regulations.
Vendors and their representatives are expected to:
- Maintain honest and accurate books and records;
- Ensure all business records are retained and disposed of in full compliance with all governing laws and/or regulations;
- Protect and use responsibly the physical and intellectual property of SSVEC including but not limited to software, hardware and content in accordance with their associated license or terms of use;
- Use SSVEC provided information technology and systems, including email, for legitimate business related purposes and only when authorized;
- SSVEC strictly prohibits vendors from using SSVEC Information Technology resources to create, access, store, print, solicit, or send any material that is intimidating, harassing, discriminating, threatening violence, abusive, sexually explicit or otherwise inappropriate or illegal;
- Comply with SSVEC requirements for maintenance of passwords, confidentiality, and security and follow its privacy procedures as a condition of receiving access to SSVEC’s internal corporate network, data, systems and buildings;
- Use good judgement and moderation when offering gifts or entertainment to SSVEC employees;
- In general, vendors and representatives should refrain from giving SSVEC employees an individual gifts with a value greater than $50 USD or a combination of gifts with a value greater than $125 USD in a 12-month look back period;
- Vendors and representatives should never offer a bribe, kickback, or barter arrangement for goods or services or any other incentive to an SSVEC employee in order to obtain or retain SSVEC business;
- Any gifts or entertainment given or received must be in compliance with the law, and must not violate SSVEC policy;
- Avoid an actual conflict of interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest;
- Vendors or representatives should not deal directly during negotiation or otherwise with any SSVEC employee whose spouse or family member or close relation is an employee of or has a financial interest in the vendor or the vendor’s business; and,
- Create, retain and dispose of business records in full compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
Vendors and their representatives are expected to:
- Cooperate with SSVEC’s commitment to a workforce free of harassment and discrimination;
- Provide a safe and healthy work environment that fully complies with all applicable safety and health laws, regulations and practices;
- Prohibit the use, possession, distribution, and/or sale of alcohol on SSVEC premises or work sites unless such is approved in connection with an SSVEC sanctioned event;
- Prohibit the use, possession, distribution, and/or sale of illegal drugs while on SSVEC premises or work sites;
- Comply with all wage and hour and minimum working age laws and requirements; the use of child labor is prohibited; and,
- Maintain employee records in accordance with local, State and National regulations.
Reporting Concerns, Violations or Requesting Assistance
If a vendor or representative has a question about a particular situation, or needs to report a problem or concern, they are encouraged to work with their primary SSVEC contact in resolving a business practice or compliance concern. SSVEC recognizes, however, that there may be times when this is not possible or appropriate. In such instances, a vendor or representative should contact SSVEC’s Compliance Officer at
SSVEC does not tolerate retaliation against another person. No one who reports any suspected legal or policy violation in good faith will be subject to retaliation for making such a report. Good faith means that the individual coming forward with all of the information believes he or she is giving a sincere, truthful, and complete report.