Joint Use Attachments on SSVEC Poles
Sulphur Springs Valley Cooperative’s Joint Use Attachment Procedures include the procedures, and guidelines necessary for telecommunication and cable facility owners to attach their facilities to overhead distribution infrastructure owned by SSVEC.

Step 1:
If you are a new attacher who does not have joint use attachments on an SSVEC pole, we must have a valid, executed Joint Use License Agreement on file before any attachment can be made onto an SSVEC pole. Contact Ron Lee, Vice President of Finance & Accounting to initiate this process:
Ron Lee
Step 2:
Once you have an executed Joint Use License Agreement with SSVEC, your Point of Contact about joint use requests and billing will be:
Joint Use Administrator (JUA) | Joint Use Supervisor (JUS) | Billing (AR/AP) |
Megan Sager | Janice Rice | Teresa Garcia |
520.384.5462 | 520.384.5463 | 520.515.3494 | | | |
Step 3:
SSVEC has implemented AldenOne© joint-use asset management software to manage our pole assets and joint-use attachments. SSVEC requires that all Licensees use AldenOne, a web-based asset management system, to communicate with SSVEC regarding joint-use pole attachments.
If you haven’t used AldenOne before, please click here to access the registration document. This document will assist you in registering your company and creating new user accounts.
Once your user account and company registration are complete, please email JUS to inform us that you are now established. The JUS will then grant you the necessary permissions and provide your company with SSVEC pole data.
Step 4:
New permits to attach or overlash to SSVEC poles must be created by selecting poles from the Poles on Map view and adding these poles to the Joint-Use Permit-To-Attach notification in AldenOne.
4A) The applicant shall populate all the required fields in the Header for:
- Title
- Section 1 – Applicant
4B) Add the poles and documents to your application:
- Poles - must be included from Shared Pole Data map (limit to 50 poles per notification)
- Notes - Add pertinent notes in this section
- Documents - include pole loading calculations (created in O-Calc, SpidaCalc, or equivalent)
- Photos – include any photos that you may have (ikeGPS, etc.)
- Contacts & Companies – BE SURE TO ADD:
jrice@ssvec.comContact: Megan Sager
4C) Include construction plans, if applicable.
Step 5:
Licensee shall change the Notification Status and Assign Conversation to SSVEC JUA (Megan Sager,
Step 6:
The JUA will review the Conversation and analyze if Header information and Section 1 are completed. If changes are required, the JUA will send it back to Licensee for correction. If no changes are needed, JUA will accept the Notification which begins the 45-day review and approval process.
Step 7:
If application is approved, Licensee will be invoiced based on the per pole application fee as defined in the Licensee’s Joint Use License Agreement. When SSVEC Billing department receives the application fee payment from the Licensee, the JUA will change the Notification status to Payment Received and assign Notification to the Licensee to populate the construction date.
Step 8:
When Licensee completes construction, the Notification is assigned to JUA to perform field inspection. If corrections are needed, the Notification is re-assigned to the Licensee to correct issues discovered in the field. If no corrections are needed, the Notification status changes to Completed, and the job is finished.
Important information:
- SSVEC does not allow joint use attachment on any 69kV transmission structure.
- Two risers maximum per pole. If SSVEC has a riser on the pole, the attacher can only add one more riser to the pole.